Speech Websites
The CRAAP Test
Find reliable information by using this method.
Effective Tips on Speech Writing and Delivery
Forbes.com: How to Give a Great Speech
Garr Reynolds.com: Presentation: Top Ten Delivery Tips
Garr Reynolds.com: Presentation: Organization & Preparation Tips
Garr Reynolds.com: Presentation: Slide Tips
How to Deliver an Effective Presentation or Speech
lifehacker: Public speaking do's and don't's
Scoring Power Points
Provides guidance in making sure that the presentation technique does not become a goal in itself, that the presentation enhances and communicates a larger and deeper body of work and thought. Combines the use of presentation software with other forms of communication, writing and reporting to persuade, convince, inform and enlighten.
Tips for Giving Clear Talks
Sharpen your public presentation skills with these valuable tips.
Toastmasters International
Free resources on public speaking.
University of Pittsburg's Oral Communication Lab Resource page
Site has links to sites for setting up different types of speeches and knowing audiences, as well as links for writing and delivering speeches.
American Rhetoric
Database of full text, audio and video (streaming) versions of public speeches, sermons, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, other recorded media events, and a declaration or two.
The site represents the long-running television show Booknotes.
Great Speeches Collection
Extensive text -- and in some cases -- audio of speeches. Speeches are grouped by speaker or subject. Areas included are history, government, politics, foreign policy, and foreign government, as well as speeches of a general nature by famous people.
History and Politics Out Loud
Searchable multimedia database documenting and delivering authoritative audio relevant to American history and politics. Also includes transcripts.
World's Famous Orations (Williams Jennings Bryan/1906)
A timeless collection.