English Websites
Academic Writing Exercises
A collection of interactive Google Forms
Scholarly and interesting information of European and English folklore and selected mythology. Billed as "guided access to primary source."
Lumen Verb Tenses and Agreements
Exercises in Verb Tenses and Agreements
Mississippi Writers & Musicians
Includes biographical information about Mississippi writers, musicians, actors, and artists.
MIT Literature Guide
Collection of scholarly literary Web sites.
Modern American Poetry (MAPS)
This site is designed to help all readers of modern poetry.
A nonprofit organization with a mission to support American poets at all stages of their careers and to foster the appreciation of contemporary poetry.
A website that provides study materials in literature.
Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts
A collection of public domain and open access documents with a focus on American and English literature as well as Western philosophy. Its purpose is to help facilitate a person’s liberal arts education.
American Verse Project
The American Verse Project is a collaborative project between the University of Michigan Humanities Text Initiative (HTI) and the University of Michigan Press. The project is assembling an electronic archive of volumes of American poetry prior to 1920.
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations
The classic reference source found on the Bartleby.com site. "A collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in Ancient and Modern Literature."
Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
The publishers of this book allow generous free access to explanations of many tricky English rules and terms.
Cambridge History of English and American Literature
The classic literature encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia Mythica
An online encyclopedia dedicated to mythology, folklore, and religion in six major geographical regions.
Gale's Literary Index
Index only to Gale Literature Series. Check with library for full-text information.
Glossary of Literary Terms
These two sources allows searchers to find definitions of literary and rhetorical terms.
Glossary of Poetic Terms
Billed as 'a unique guide for the study of poetry'.
Representative Poetry Online
Search for definitions, examples, and quotations of poems.
American Verse Project
Electronic archive of American poetry prior to 1920.
Literary Kicks
Page dedicated to writers of the Beat Generation, including Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.
Literature and the Culture of the American 1950's
Menu collection of sites reflecting the literature and culture of the times.
William Faulkner on the Web
Wonderful site about William Faulkner and his works. Gives links to commentaries, plot synopses to novels, and short stories, biographies on William Faulkner, trivia, quotes, and other sites.
Spark Notes
Free study guides.
Electronic Beowulf (full-text)
Digital image of original manuscript and links.
Eighteenth-Century Resources/Literature
Huge site with links to sources in the following areas: general literature, theatre and design, the gothic, romanticism, women writers, French literature, German literature, research, and miscellaneous.
John Donne
Website created by the Luminarian Society that features information about one of the most studied of the Metaphysical poets. Includes biographies, critical essays, works, and more which combines to give easy access to a lot of scholarly material.
Medieval, renaissance, and seventeenth-century English literature.
The Medieval and Classical Library
Collection of important literary works of the Medieval Period, plus related lines.
Shakespeare's Resource Center
Dedicated to providing information on William Shakespeare and his writing.
The Victorian Web
Outstanding site that covers every significant aspect of Victorian life.
American Verse Project
Full text access to American poetry prior to 1920.
The Camelot Project
University of Rochester project designed to present in electronic format Arthurian texts, images, and general information.
Google Book Search
Full text books scanned from archives and libraries. Complete text available only to those publications not under copyright protection. Explanation given on website.
Online Books Page
Listing over 30,000 free books on the Web.
Short Stories
Includes full text of stories in the areas of fiction, science fiction and fantasy, horror, romance, humor, non-fiction, crime, and children's stories.
Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Gives the meaning and origin of phrases and fables.
Encyclopedia Mythica
Internet encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion.
Encyclopedia of ARDA
Includes description and explanation of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
Folklore and Mythology: Electronic Texts
Edited and translated by a professor with the University of Pittsburg.
In Search of Myths and Heroes
PBS website.
The Writing Center
University of North Carolina's online writing lab page.
The Writing Studio/Writing Resources
Colorado State University writing center site.
Purdue OWL
Writing site from Purdue University.