Psychology Websites

American Psychological Association
APA homepage that offers a wide range of information relating to the subject of psychology including news articles, conferences, ethics, locating a psychologist, journals, and continuing education.

Association for Psychological Science
Website for the Association of Psychological Science plus a link to listing of other selected sites by this organization.

Classics in the History of Psychology
Full-text, but mostly articles published before the 1930s.

Cognitive Science Society
Researchers from many fields, including cognitive science, artificial intelligence, linguistics, anthropology, psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and education, who seek to understand the nature of the human mind.

Current Topics in Psychology
Includes a listing of both general links and more specific.  Selects and organizes topics from articles, websites, and research tools.

Encyclopedia of Psychology
Over 1700 links to psychology websites.

Interactive teaching tool for college psychology.

Mental Health Simplified
Support for people with mental illness and their families.

National Institute of Mental Health
Lead federal agency for research on mental disorders.

Nine Pioneers Who Helped Mold The History of Psychology
The profession of psychology dates back nearly 150 years. Throughout that time, many psychologists and other professionals have made significant contributions to the field.

Personality Project
The personality-project is a collection of web pages devoted to the academic study of personality.

Run by mental health professionals, PsychCentral provides mental health info on a range of conditions, screening tests, blogs, news, online support groups, and help for finding a therapist.

Psychology News - ScienceDaily
One of the Internet’s most popular science news web sites.

Psychology Today
Magazine, mental health info, and therapist finder.

PsychWeb Resources
Includes full-text books, popular topics of the day, links to college psychology departments, and more.  Created by a professor from Georgia Southern University.

Created by a psychology instructor in England.

Stanford Prison Experiment
A famous psychology experiment by Philip G. Zimbardo.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' agency that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Developed for the public by the National Institute of Mental Health.

Sibling Rivalry
Centers around the causes and consequences of this age old problem.

Self-archived open access journal articles.

Psychology Services Center
Makes available links and resources to cognitive and social problems.   A University of Mississippi Website.

Finding Psychology Departments on the Internet
Search by name or location.

PsyberSite at Miami University
Gateway to web tutorials created by graduate and undergraduate students and supervised by professors. These links are about all areas relating to psychology.

The Quantitative Study of Dreams
An academic look at dreams.

Great Ideas in Personality
"This website deals with Scientific Research Programs in personality psychology."

The Personality Project
A guide for theory and research.

Social Psychology Network
Links to social psychology topics such as prejudice and discrimination, gender, culture, social influence, interpersonal relations, group behavior, aggression, and more.