....truth or trash?

We already know that it is wrong to take someone else's ideas or writings as your own.  As a student the consequences can mean failure of a course or even expulsion from school.  In the 'real world' it even has legal consequences.  Plagiarism can be done on purpose or by accident when an individual does not fully understand its meaning.  The following actions are plagiarism: 

  •  Buying or borrowing another paper.

  •  Getting another person to write your paper.

  •  Paraphrasing too closely.

  •  Copying from another source by hand or by
     copy/paste on the computer without
     citing the source.

  •  Self-plagiarism by using one paper you
     have written for two different classes.         

Paraphrasing is an area that can be confusing.   Being able to recognize the difference between acceptable and unacceptable paraphrasing is sometimes not easy.  A concise clear explanation of the difference is illustrated in one of Purdue's handouts.  Click here and take a look.  However, some material can be used that is considered 'common knowledge'.  This is information that is generally known and easily found in several sources.   Click here to learn more from Purdue's web page on "Avoiding Plagiarism."

To learn more on the subject check these out . . .

How Not to Plagiarize (University of Toronto)

Documenting in Context (Paradigm Online Writing Assistant)

Plagiarism:  What It Is and How to Recognize and Avoid It  (Indiana University)

Avoiding Plagiarism:  Mastering the Art of Scholarship  (University of California, Davis)